Talking Barents - on the edge of Sanctions!

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(Photo by Mikhail Slavin)

Talking Barents - on the edge of Sanctions!

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(Photo by Mikhail Slavin)

China, our new neighbour

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China, our new neighbour

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(Photo by Mikhail Slavin)

Sturle Dagsland

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How much is the fish?
Аrtists Bo Wallström, Trine Falch and Mona Solhaug with Laksespelet - a visual audio drama of tragic self-examination.

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How much is the fish?
The Sami rapper Ailu Valle

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(Photo by Mikhail Slavin)

How much is the fish?
Moderator: Thomas Nilsen (BarentsObserver) 
Panel: Oddbjørn Jerijervi (general manager Finnmarksrøya/Kirkenes Charr), Morten Strøksnes (journalist and writer), Mikhail Kuznetsov (Russian Salmon)

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 (Photo by Mikhail Slavin)

Self-censorship as a creative tool

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